Come and join us for a sewing and fellowship activity! We meet every two weeks, either on Wednesday or Thursday from 10:00-noon in our conference room. Check our church calendar for dates. Snacks, coffee and tea are provided.

We are currently working together to sew hygiene/klenli kits for Missions. Bring your sewing machine, if you can. Or, just come and help out by cutting, hand sewing or assembling kits. Bring your cutting shears – we have all the other necessary materials.
We also will sew pillowcase sundresses, stuffed animals, back packs, and more. We sew them for Samaritan’s Purse and Christmas shoe boxes and these will be sent to mission churches in West Africa, Costa Rica, the Philippines, Nicaragua and the Ukraine.

We always need more materials and your donations would be welcome. We could use some of the following materials if you have them lying around:
- Flannel sheets
- Cottons
- Pillow cases
We would welcome donations as well to purchase things like:
- Snaps
- Lining for use in sewing the pads.

Thank you for all your help in this important mission project.