Men’s Breakfast

Please complete this short REGISTER FORM if you plan to attend the next scheduled breakfast.

Speaker details are listed at the top of the form.

What is Men’s Breakfast?

In October 2023, the men at Trinity were invited to attend Calvin Presbyterian’s Men’s Breakfast which had been held for many years. The format of the breakfast is casual. It is intended for men of faith to be able to get together outside of the church, but still commune in the fellowship of Christ.

Breakfast orders are taken at about 8:00 and everyone has a chance to mingle with one another. Prayer is said prior to breakfast. Following breakfast, at approximately 8:45,  a guest speaker will give a 20-30 minute talk on some area of interest to men.

Breakfast Details

Location Crossroads Restaurant on Sumas Way
When First Saturday of the Month Sep-Jun
Time 8:00-9:30 am