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1930-1957 – Home Services
In the spring of 1930, at the request of Mr. Chris Zurowski, a Rev. V. Meyer from Vancouver began monthly services for a small group of worshipers in Abbotsford, at the home of Mrs. V. McAdams on Vye Road. By the winter of 1930, the Rev. A. Haake from New Westminster took over this work, and by 1934 the Abbotsford group listed 24 souls and 11 communicant members.
In 1935, the Abbotsford group became part of the Chilliwack parish, and was serviced by Rev. R.F. Holtzen (1935-40), who was Chilliwack’s newly installed pastor. Rev. Holtzen conducted services for two years in the home of Mr. & Mrs. F. Roust on Nelson Road. By 1938, the group moved to a room above a cabinet factory on Essendene Avenue, moving in 1939 to the home of Mr. & Mrs. C. Zurowski.
Following the ministry of Rev. Holtzen, the Abbotsford group, as part of the Chilliwack parish, was served in succession by Rev. A. R. Reip (1940-42), Rev. Fred T. Gabert (1942-45), Rev. Alfred E. Enders (1945-46), Rev. M. A. Cohrs (1946-54) and finally Rev. H. S. Fox (1955-57). During the early 40’s, services were held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Ast on McKenzie Road.
When the Fraser Valley Parish was divided in 1945, regular weekly services were started in Abbotsford. In 1952, St. Matthews Anglican Church on Marshall Road, kindly permitted the group to rent their parish hall. In 1956, the former Jack and Jill Restaurant was chosen as a temporary place of worship. When Pastor M. A. Cohrs resigned in 1954, due to ill health, he was succeeded by Rev. H.S. Fox (1955-57), who did double duty from his Chilliwack parish.
In September of 1955 a church was formally organized. It is interesting to note that the original name of the congregation was “Good Hope Lutheran Church”. Twelve charter members signed the first constitution:
- J.C. Ast
- D.G. Dyck
- W. Froese
- J. Geberdt,
- A. Haglund,
- C. Haglund,
- J. Hunter,
- H. Schultz,
- S. Wagner,
- E. Zurowski,
- O. Zurowski, and
- Rev. H.S. Fox (Chilliwack Pastor)

Corner of Cherry St and Marshall Rd
At a church council meeting in 1956, a motion was made by Mr. David Dyck, and carried, to change the name of the congregation to Trinity Lutheran Church. Our new name was born.
On December 7, 1956, a Certificate of Incorporation #5088, was issued in Victoria, B.C. It certified that Trinity Lutheran Church has this day been incorporated as a Society under the “Societies Act”.
Planning was soon undertaken for the construction of a house of worship for the congregation. By the time Abbotsford received its first full-time worker, student-pastor R.C. Nast, in the summer of 1956, a building lot had been purchased on the corner of Cherry Street and Marshall Road.
Construction began early in 1957. The contractor was Mr. T. Gallvitz, a member of the congregation. Considerable volunteer help from the members of the congregation made the building of this church, with a seating capacity of approximately 130, an exciting group project. The approximate cost of the Cherry Street lot and building was $20,000.
The church was dedicated to the glory of God on July 28, 1957. In August, 1957, Rev. Mark Misch became Trinity’s first called pastor, and he served the congregation until 1964. In 1965 Rev. Herb Fruson came to Abbotsford, and pastored the parish until 1978. In 1979, the Rev. (Bob) R. A. Schulze began his work in the Cherry Street congregation.
In the 1980’s, the increase in members made it necessary to seek new property, and make plans for a larger facility. A Building Committee was made up of:
- Rod Wenzel (Chairman)
- Lloyd Johnson
- Frank Kehler
- Gordon Moss
- Bill Samplonius
- Chris Renner and
- Ron Todson
Through their capable work, the new property was located and purchased in May, 1984 at 3845 Gladwin Road. Major funding was obtained by a loan from the ABC District Church Extension Fund. At the same time, members of the Finance committee, under the leadership of Isak Vaage, began to canvas members of the congregation for financial commitments, over a five year period, towards the proposed building program.
The Cherry Street church was offered for sale to the Salvation Army, and the final church service was held on May 31st, 1987. A luncheon at the Rancho followed with Rev. K. Keller as the Master of Ceremonies and at 3:30 pm a Ground Breaking Service was held at the new property, with the Rev. Les Gierach, Executive Assistant for Parish Services, ABC District, as a special guest.
After the sale and removal of an old house on the new property, the actual construction of the present building started in July of 1987. Unexpectedly, the Cherry Street location sold quickly to the Salvation Army while the new church building was months away from completion.
A unique solution was found. The Ben Vos family, owners of the Fraser Valley Funeral Home on Marshall Road, generously offered the congregation the use of their new attractive chapel for Sunday morning services. We may possibly be the only congregation that has held Sunday School classes among hearses and headstones in the garage of a funeral home.

The construction of the present building was unique. Rather than using a general contractor, we hired Wilfred Renner, who had considerable experience in church building, as our project manager. The benefit to Trinity was that Mr. Renner was willing to use volunteer labor whenever possible. Many hard working members of our congregation made up the labor force, reducing the cost of our construction considerably.

One special point of decoration is the stunning, large hand carved wood reredos, mounted on the back chancel wall and ceiling areas. These and other altar furnishings were uniquely designed and built for Trinity Lutheran Church by Mr. Ernest Schwidder – now deceased.
Our present location was opened and dedicated to the glory of God on February 14, 1988. Through this transition from Cherry Street to Gladwin Road, we were pastored by Rev. (Bob) R. A. Schulze (1979 – 1992). In the course of time other pastors and some vacancies have followed. Rev. Rudy Pastucha (1990 – 1992), Rev. V. Roy White (1994-1996), Rev. David Hilderman (1997 – 2015), Rev. Jakob Valsson (2018 – 2022) to our present pastor, Rev. Henock Teklemariam (2023-).
We truly thank our Lord Jesus Christ for His constant presence in watching this church grow, and we give thanks to all the faithful pastors nurturing our flock since 1930. On this display we particularly acknowledge these seven called “Trinity” pastors (1957 – present) from Misch to Valsson.
- Rev. V. Meyer (1930)
- Rev. A. Haake (1930-34)
- Rev. R.F. Holtzen (1934-40)
- Rev. A. R. Reip (1940-42)
- Rev. Fred T. Gabert (1942-45)
- Rev. Alfred E. Enders (1945-46)
- Rev. M. A. Cohrs (1946-54)
- Rev. H. S. Fox (1955-57)
- Rev. Mark Misch (1957-64)
- Rev. Herb Fruson (1965-78)
- Rev. (Bob) R. A. Schulze (1979 – 1992)
- Rev. Rudy Pastucha (1990 – 1992)
- Rev. V. Roy White (1994-1996)
- David Hilderman (1997 – 2015)
- Rev. Jakob Valsson (2018 – 2022 )
- Rev. Henock Teklemariam (2023 – present)
Updated September 2023