2023 12 03 Trinity Newsletter

This is the First Sunday in Advent and the beginning of a new Church Year of grace. Our Church Year counts time differently than the secular calendar. We are tied to the fullness of time in which God sent His one and only Son into the womb of the virgin, born to save us. The First Sunday in Advent is the Sunday on or closest to November 30 (St. Andrew’s Day). 

Today, we begin a journey not simply to the manger but the familiar journey that takes us to the manger, the cross, and the empty tomb. It is not merely a remembrance of what took place so long ago but also preparation for what is to come—our Lord’s return in glory to lay claim to His Church for all eternity. Encouraged by the Spirit, we devote ourselves to faithfully keeping what God has made known to us and showing forth our living faith in words and acts of repentance and holy living. But each Advent is a reminder that we are one step further from Bethlehem and one year closer to our Lord’s coming again.

Sunday’s Readings


Isaiah 64:1–9

Oh, that You would rend
the heavens and come down


1 Corinthians 1:3–9 

He will sustain you to the end


Mark 13:24-37

Stay awake and keep

prepared for Christ’s coming

A Prayer for Advent

O come, Emmanuel, Jesus, our Lord.  Be our constant source of hope.  As this Advent marks a new Church Year, we humbly pray for those around the globe who are hostile to Christianity, who do not know You yet as Savior and Lord, or who have erred from faith in You.  Shine the light of Your love into their hearts, as well as ours.  By Your Word, grace us all with Your presence.  Amen.  

©Portals of Prayer October – December 2018

A Note from Kim

Dear TLC Congregation;

Thank you so much for your patience and support during my role as your church secretary. I have enjoyed our many conversations and loved that we could laugh together and share life stories.

I am so appreciative of all the notes, calls, emails and well wishes I have received and hope that in some way I was able to relay how important you are to me, so THANK YOU! 

This next phase in my life is going to be exciting and may require wearing sweatpants everyday?  I will keep you posted! 

See you – Kim

Our Calendars

Visit our website at TrinityLCC.ca

Christmas Party – Sydney Church of Christ

Our Christmas program and banquet are on Saturday, December 16th!

The Program

  • 4:30 p.m. in the sanctuary


  • 6:00 p.m. in the gym

Tickets will be on sale in the Narthex after Sunday Service December 3 & 10

  • Adults $30.00
  • Children $15.00
  • 5 & under Free

Trinity LWML-C

There is no regular meeting in December.

Office Help!

With Kim’s recent retirement, the Elders would like to hear from any of the members who might be interested in providing some assistance in the Church office starting December 1. 

Please contact Eric, Lorne or John.

Week of Prayer

… for Christian Unity 2024 will run January 18-25. 

The theme this year is from the Gospel of Luke 10-27

You shall love your
neighbour as yourself.” 

More details coming soon…

Food Bank

Archway Food Bank

  • 3,000 people helped per month
  • 80% of Food Bank guests make less than $18,000 per year.
  • Approximately 1.3 million dollars’ worth of food is distributed every year.
  • 1 in 20 children enrolled in elementary school goes without food over the weekend.

There are 3 large baskets located in the back of the church Narthex for all who wish to contribute.  When these baskets are full, the AFB picks up your donations for distribution.

Thank you for your generosity.

You make a world of difference

Sunday School

Sunday School at Trinity is in full swing. It takes place every Sunday morning, starting right after the children’s message,

All children from K to grade 7/8 are welcome. Teens are invited to come and help out.  

Please contact Hella Beckmann if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.

Prayer Pal Party

All ladies are welcome to attend the Prayer Pal Party next Sunday, December 10th following the church service. 

Our program will start at 11:40 am in the sanctuary with a skit and devotion, and move to the gym for lunch and gift exchange, ending about 1:30 pm. 

Invitations have been put in Prayer Pal’s mailboxes with the details. If you’re not a Prayer Pal, or want to become one, please contact Marj Temple. You may sign up for next year at the close of the party.

Please bring a small gift for your Prayer Pal, or to exchange. Please bring a small plate of Christmas baking to share. A light lunch will be provided, and an offering will be taken for the Abbotsford Food Bank.

The Friday 5 -

… will be available in your church mailbox, Sunday, December 10th. 

However, please consider asking Susan about the pre-authorized debit program (PAD). This method of donating makes it easier for you, and helps your council better manage our programs and church maintenance.