2023-10-22 Newsletter

Mon – Thurs: 9:00am – 1:30pm ~ Friday & Holidays-Closed

Please make arrangements in advance should you require access to the church
outside of posted hours. Thank you

TLC’S UPCOMING SCHEDULE & EVENTS October – November 2023

Oct 20th 5:30 pm Young Life Meeting

Oct 22nd    10:30 am Worship Service / Voter’s Meeting / LWML-C Mission Sunday

Oct 23rd     PASTOR AWAY – Church Worker Conf.  Oct 23-26

Oct 24th     11:00 am New Bible Study

Oct 29th     10:30 am Worship Service / Reformation Sunday /Bulletin Sunday

Oct 31st      11:00 am New Bible Study – Halloween

Nov 1st       10:00 am Women’s Sewing for Missions

Nov 3rd       5:30-8:30 pm Young Life Meeting

Nov 4th       9:00 am LWML-C Ladies Fall Gathering – St. Paul’s Lutheran, Chwk.

Nov 5th       10:30 am Communion Service/ All Saints Sunday/Daylight Savings Ends

Nov 7th       9:30 am WINKEL

Nov 7th       11:00 am Bible Study

Nov 8th       10:00 am LWML-C Meeting

Nov 11th      Remembrance Day

Nov 12th     10:30 am Worship Service /Guest Pastor Norm Miller/ Shoebox Deadline

Nov 13th     Church Office Closed

Nov 14th     11:00 am Bible Study

Nov 15th     10:00 am Women’s Sewing for Missions

Nov 17th      5:30 pm Young Life Meeting

Nov 19th     10:30 am Communion Service / Christmas Banquet Tickets available

Nov 21st      11:00 am Bible Study

Nov 22nd     10:00 am Women’s Sewing for Missions

Nov 26th     10:30 am Worship Service / Memory Tree Ornament Workshop (1 Hr)

Nov 28th     11:00 am Bible Study

Nov 29th     10:00 am Sewing for Missions

Volunteers are needed:
It would be wonderful to have a list of volunteer readers to assist Pastor Henock Sunday mornings! They would read the Old Testament, Psalm & the Epistle Readings. If you can help, please speak to Pastor Henock or phone/email the church office.

Tuesday Adult Bible Study!
Pastor Henock invites you to join him for his weekly Tuesday bible study, from 11:00 – 12:00pm.
All are welcome to attend!


Hi everyone,
We are excited to be part of the Christmas Child mission and pray that we can continue to bless children through the shoeboxes.

This happens because of you and your incredible gift of time and talents. Thank you for everything that you are doing so that the shoeboxes are filled and ready for the children.

We will make the boxes for girls 10-14, sewing hygiene kits for each of these girls and include school supplies, a sewn sundress/skirt and more.

Please see / phone Darlene or Lucille if you need more information.
THANK YOU for all your help!

PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS! TLC’s Annual Christmas Banquet will take place on Saturday, December 16th!


Sunday School at Trinity Lutheran Church is in full swing. It takes place every Sunday morning, starting right after the children’s message (about 15 minutes into the Divine Service).

All children from K to grade 7/8 are welcome. Teens are invited to come and help out. Please contact Hella if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.

Christmas joy in a Shoe Box Kick Off ~ October 15th! (This Sunday!)

The best Christmas gifts are the ones that come from the heart.  And sometimes, they come from a Shoe Box!

The Canada-wide 2023 Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box collection season has begun, and thousands of individuals, families, churches, businesses, and community groups will be filling Shoe Boxes with gifts for less fortunate kids around the world.
These Shoe Boxes bring joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world, regardless of gender, race, religion or age.
Literature on the procedure of the project is included in each Shoe Box.  Please fill a Shoe Box or two or even three and help bring the joy of Christmas to children around the world.
**The return date for gift-filled Shoe Boxes is November 12th

LWML – Canada 30th Anniversary

Today we are celebrating LWMLC Mission Sunday here at Trinity Lutheran. Please check the bulletin board in the narthex to see the list of Mission projects undertaken by LWMLC. The majority are now paid, but not all are completely funded, so any Mites you wish to contribute will help reach all the goals. Envelopes are available and specific information about making a Mite contribution is on the Trinity Lutheran website.

4th Annual Candy Farm – Chilliwack – Saturday, October 28 – 4:00 – 6:00pm

The Rhode’s Family Farm ~ Families and ALL ages are welcome.

Pre-register @ info@chilliwacklutheran.com or contact St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Chilliwack for more information.

Oaks of Righteousness Seminar

Ladies are invited to attend this seminar being hosted by Saviour Lutheran Church in Ladner on Saturday, October 28, 2023. Registration is $5. and opening coffee and lunch will be provided. Please see poster in the Narthex.

LWMLC Fraser Valley Zone – Ladies Fall Gathering
Saturday, November 4, 2023 / St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Chilliwack 9 am – 2 pm
– $12. Includes registration, coffee, and lunch.
Come and celebrate LWMLC’s 30th anniversary!
Speaker – Sherley Hearty, LWMLC VP ABC Admin.
An ingathering for the Ann Davis Transition House will be collected. This is a safe shelter for adult women and their children who are victims of domestic violence. There is a list of needed items, and donations would be gratefully received. There will be a box in the Narthex for donations which will be taken to the gathering. Please see the posters, and the sign-up sheet for carpooling, in the Narthex.

Memory Tree Ornament Workshop

We are planning a workshop for adult members of the congregation who would like to make a “memory ornament” to go on the Memory Tree. The fee will be $3. each to help cover cost of materials. This will be following church on November 26th and there will be a sign-up sheet so we know how many to plan for. The ornament is to commemorate a family loved-one who has passed on. It will be from 11:30 – 12:30 pm and you can take the ornament home to finish if not completed in the one-hour time-frame. The tree will be put up at the start of Advent, Dec.

November Meeting – Our next LWMLC meeting will be on Wednesday, November 8th at 10am in the conference/library room. All ladies are welcome to join us for coffee and Christian fellowship.

Prayer Pal Party ~ Plans are underway for the annual Prayer Pal Party. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, December 10th. This will follow the regular Sunday service.

“Every occupation has its own honor before God. Ordinary work is a divine vocation or calling. In our daily work no matter how important or mundane we serve God by serving the neighbor and we also participate in God’s on-going providence for the human race.”
― Martin Luther
Martin Luther quote: Every occupation has its own honor before God. Ordinary work… (azquotes.com)

UKRAINE AID FUND UPDATE: As of September 14, 2023, the people of LCC have raised a total of $777,867.89 for the LCC Ukraine Relief Aid Fund. @ Lutheran Church-Canada Donate

REMINDER: Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s Ukraine Aid Fund directly supports our partner church, the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU) during this current crisis. The Ukraine Aid Fund established by Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS) will contribute to rebuilding efforts and other expenses, anticipating the significant financial need that will arise in the aftermath of this current conflict. As auxiliaries of LCC, the funds raised through CLMS, and Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of Canada (LWMLC) to name another example, will be directed to our partner Church in Ukraine through LCC. This is just one of the ways that the various auxiliaries, listed service organizations, and people of our Synod are working together, as one Body under Christ in support of humanitarian works of mercy. Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is also working to provide general humanitarian relief in Ukraine through the help of their partner organizations.