Mon – Thurs: 9:00am – 1:30pm ~ Friday & Holidays-Closed
Please make arrangements in advance should you require access to the church
outside of posted hours. Thank you
Sept 24th 10:30 am Worship Service
Sept 20th 10:00 am Women’s Sewing for Missions
Sept 24th 10:30 am Worship Service
Sept 27th 10:00 am Women’s Sewing for Missions
Oct. 1st 10:30 am Communion Service
Oct 3rd 11:00 am New Bible Study
Oct 4th 10:00 am Women’s Sewing for Missions
Oct 8th 10:30 am Worship Service / Thanksgiving Sunday
Oct 9th Church office Closed
Oct 10th 11:00 am New Bible Study
Oct 11th 10:00 am LWML-C Meeting
Oct 15th 10:30 am Communion Service
Oct 17th 11:00 am New Bible Study
Oct 18th 10:00 am Women’s Sewing for Missions
Oct 22nd 10:30 am Worship Service / Voter’s Meeting
Oct 23rd PASTOR AWAY – Church Worker Conf. Oct 23-26
Oct 29th 10:30 am Worship Service / Daylight Savings / Bulletin Sunday
Oct 31st 11:00 am New Bible Study – Halloween
Volunteers are needed:
It would be wonderful to have a list of volunteer readers to assist Pastor Henock Sunday mornings! They would read the Old Testament & the Epistle Readings. If you can help out, please speak to Pastor Henock or phone/email the church office.
New Adult Bible Study Coming Soon!
Pastor Henock invites you to join him for his upcoming bible study beginning Tuesday, October 3rd, from 11:00 – 12:00pm. Philippians has been chosen to be the focus of the study. All are welcome!
SEWING FOR MISSIONS~ Our first meeting will be on Wed., Sept 20 from 10-12 pm, here in our church. Elsie from Hope Lutheran church is coming to demonstrate sewing Hygiene/Kleni kits for our mission project. Bring your sewing machine and scissors if you can or come to help with the assembling.
We will also sew pillowcase sun dresses, boy’s shorts, stuffed fleece animals, back packs, games and more. We want to share our love and the joy of Jesus and bring smiles to some children’s faces this Christmas. We will be sewing them for Samaritan’s Purse and Christmas shoe boxes which will be sent to many other countries.
We have already collected flannel sheets, pillow cases (patterned or plain), cotton materials, batting and trims. We could use your help by donating more flannel sheets, printed flannelette, fleece, cottons and or your $donation to help buy more supplies.
We look forward to good fellowship and having you join the “SAS”. Phone Lucille or Darlene for more info if needed. SEW AND SEW!! come and sew with us and be an SAS!
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS! TLC’s Annual Christmas Banquet will take place on Saturday, December 16th!
Prayer for the Peace of Christ: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, You are our peace. You are the one who calmed the sea. Be our refuge when the storms of life rage around us. Help us in times of trouble and anxiety. Calm our fears. Strengthen our faith. Let us ever focus our eyes on Your cross, for this the place of true peace. Through Your precious name we pray. Amen. © Portals of Prayer July-September 2023
UKRAINE AID FUND UPDATE: As of June 23, 2023, the people of LCC have raised a total of $763,961.28 for the LCC Ukraine Relief Aid Fund. @ Lutheran Church-Canada Donate
REMINDER: Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s Ukraine Aid Fund directly supports our partner church, the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU) during this current crisis. The Ukraine Aid Fund established by Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS) will contribute to rebuilding efforts and other expenses, anticipating the significant financial need that will arise in the aftermath of this current conflict. As auxiliaries of LCC, the funds raised through CLMS, and Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of Canada (LWMLC) to name another example, will be directed to our partner Church in Ukraine through LCC. This is just one of the ways that the various auxiliaries, listed service organizations, and people of our Synod are working together, as one Body under Christ in support of humanitarian works of mercy. Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is also working to provide general humanitarian relief in Ukraine through the help of their partner organizations.