God Meets His Own Desire


June 11, 2023

“I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,” says the Lord (Matthew 9: 13). More than mere kindness, mercy is a kindness shown especially to those who either cannot repay or do not deserve it. The Word of God reminds us that God’s love is never earned or to be taken for granted as something we somehow deserve because of our sacrifices. The same goes for the brother or sister in need of our mercy. True mercy doesn’t ignore our inability to repay or to fulfill God’s Law. The mercy of God comes through His Son who fulfilled the Law perfectly for all and whose sacrifice on the cross proclaims forgiveness and mercy to all to be received as a gift by faith in Him. Mercy then becomes the Christian’s family trait as our Lord said, “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36).

Bible Readings

OLD TESTAMENT: Hosea 5:15—6:6
(Empty Repentance)

EPISTLE READING: Romans 4:13-25
(Abraham, our father in faith)

HOLY GOSPEL: Matthew 9:9-13
(Matthew called by mercy.)