The Shepherd and the Door


April 30, 2023

Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Most of our lives are far removed from the agricultural side of life; yet the portrait of our Lord as the Good Shepherd is a cherished one. We know that He provides all that we need, that He is the Door to everlasting life, that He leads us in the paths of righteousness, in green pastures, and along quiet waters. All this He does under His protecting care, keeping us from the hired hand of Satan. Today’s Gospel teaches us to listen to the voice of our Shepherd Jesus. Through His Word Christ continues to lead us through life. Other voices may tempt, but only His voice is true, because only His voice proclaimed from the cross, “It is finished.” Finished were the accusations of Satan, finished was the weight of guilt suppressing us, finished was the death sentence brought on us by our sin. Finished was our old life of sin. But hearing Christ’s voice of forgiveness, we have new life. Hearing His voice and following Him, we shall not want. Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!


FIRST READING: Acts 2:42-47
(Following Peter’s sermon, we learn about life in the community of the baptized, who followed the teachings of their faithful shepherds and were sustained by the breaking of bread.)

EPISTLE READING: 1 Peter 2:19-25
(Jesus, the Good Shepherd, models for us how one suffers for doing that which is right. Peter encourages every member of the flock to follow the lead of the Good Shepherd.)

HOLY GOSPEL: John 10:1-10
(Jesus uses language that would have been familiar to the people of His day. With this metaphor He compels the flock to follow His leadership through suffering and disappointment to abundant life.)