Climbing the Wrong Mountain
February 19, 2023
We are told that Jesus’ face shone like the sun. We can only look at the sun indirectly because the brightness causes us to close our eyes or turn away. As Jesus’ divinity shone through His humanity, the brightness was such that it forced Peter, James, and John to fall on their faces and avert their gaze in terror. Though we might be able to view the sun by looking askance at it or peering through darkened glass, the only way to view the Son of God is through the prophetic Word and the eyes of faith.
Bible Readings
OLD TESTAMEMT READING: Exodus 24:8-18 (Moses explains what it was like for him and the elders of Israel to stand in the presence of God and receive His instruction.)
EPISTLE READING: 2 Peter 1:16-21
(Peter explains what it was like to be in the presence of the divine majesty and what it was like to hear the Word directly from God.)
(Matthew explains what it was like for Peter, James, and John to stand in the presence of God with Moses, Elijah, and Jesus.)