May 22, 2022
The troubles of the world confront us every day—troubles in the news, troubles in our families, troubles within ourselves, troubles at work or at school. Jesus knows the world. So He said to His disciples, “In the world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33). Yet the final word of this Easter season is not trouble. It is hope through the resurrection of Jesus in defeat of all of this world’s troubles. “Take heart; I have overcome the world,” Jesus said. Being a follower of Jesus never protects us from experiencing the world’s troubles. It does give us hope. It does fill us with courage. It does strengthen our hearts. As an ancient Easter hymn declares, “Were Christ not arisen, Then death were still our prison. Now, with Him to life restored, We praise the Father of our Lord. Alleluia!” (LSB 459:2). We catch a glimpse of our future world in Christ in Revelation, where the city of God shines with the light of the resurrection—a city alight with God and the Lamb, a city with no night. Take heart! Jesus has overcome the world!
FIRST READING: Acts 16:9–15 (Lydia is baptized.)
EPISTLE READING: Revelation 21:9–14, 21–27
(A transformed city of God, with the Lamb at the center)
HOLY GOSPEL: John 16:23–33 (Peace in times of trouble)