Pastoral Letter & Reservation Service Link – Nov 1, 2020

October 2020

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with no small gladness that I can now inform you that we plan to resume church services after this long hiatus. The first planned service is scheduled for November 1st, All Saints Day. Because we are restricted to 50 people or less we have devised a system whereby you can sign up online for the service you plan to attend, or you may phone the office to reserve your spot, Monday-Thursday, 9:30am to 1:30pm. At this point we have planned services only for November, specifically the 1st, 15th and the 29th. As you are, no doubt, well aware the COVID-19 cases are rising in BC and so we decided to spread the services out this way in order to give us room to evaluate the situation as it continues to develop.

Many of you are very concerned about all of this, and with good reason, and therefore I would like stress that we are not pressuring anyone to attend. Everyone has to evaluate their own situation and make their decisions accordingly. Private communion is available to all who wish it and it will continue to be so. Thus, if you are not comfortable with attending the planned services you will always have that option.

By this time many of us, if not most, are thinking ahead to Christmas. At this point all I can tell you is that we are working on that at this time and will inform you in due time. Unless things take a serious turn for the worse there is every reason to think that we will be worshipping during the Christmas season, albeit in a smaller way than in previous years. But we will notify you as we get closer to December.

Below you can find the link to sign up online. The system is easy to understand and use. I would ask you all to only sign up for services mindful of the fact that we are limited to 50 or less and thus to allow room for others as well. Moreover, please only sign up for those services you are reasonably sure you will be able to attend and if you, for some reason, cannot attend please remove your name from the list or call the church office to let us know. Also, please do
not assign your place to others if you are unable to attend as that has the potential to cause considerable chaos and confusion. Only sign up for yourself and those you plan to bring with you.

To all appearances this COVID-19 situation will persist for the foreseeable future. Our congregation has so far weathered all this very well and I would simply continue encourage you all to use this time, as you are able, to reflect on the things you have been taught in the Holy Christian Church and why these things matter just as much now as they did before and as they will continue to matter until the Last Day! Perhaps now would be an opportune time to review
the Small Catechism and the things taught there in as these things pertain to daily living all the days of our lives. I should also like to encourage you to stop by the office with any questions regarding the Christian faith that you may wish to talk about. Coming to see me is not wasting the Church’s time, but actually making use of the service the Holy Christian Church puts at your
disposal. So make use of it as you deem necessary and fit.

The end of the Church Year is fast approaching and thus my thoughts are inevitably drawn to those Scripture texts that speak of our Lord’s return and the events surrounding it. During a worldwide pandemic it would be all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking that this is a close herald of the End Times. As the Holy Christian Church we need not worry about such things (and we are in fact commanded not to!), but instead we are reminded at all times, in every
age and every generation to heed the words of Jesus recorded by St. Luke: “Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

In Christ,

Pastor Jakob Valsson

Reservation Webpage

Please do not attend if you are: not feeling well or do not feel comfortable in a 50 person gathering.

• Do not come early, socializing will not be encouraged in the building.
• Masks are required; they will be available if you forget yours.
• Parking: use front or side lot (South lot will be closed)
• Entering the building: follow signs and arrows, separate doors will be used for entering and exiting.
• Use hand sanitizer upon entering.
• You MUST sign in after sanitizing, this allows for contact tracing in the case of an outbreak.
• Follow the arrows into the sanctuary, seating will be every third row, maintain your social distance from your neighbour.
• Church service will be conducted out of the LSB Hymnal, no bulletins or newsletters are available.
• Pastor Jakob will instruct those wishing to partake in communion.
• One person at a time may enter the Men’s/Women’s washroom, line up in the hallway
• Please refrain from checking your church mailbox at this time; possibly come in during the week when the Narthex is empty. Note: the balcony, nursery, church kitchen, gym and conference room are off limits at this time.
• Exit through doors marked “EXIT”, maintaining social distance from others.