Trinity LWMC would like to thank all who attended the Prayer Pal Party in December and everyone who helped in any way with setting up and clean up. The total collected in the offering for the Abbotsford Food Bank was $175.00 Thank you.
Category: Groups
The SEW and SEWS are back at it!
We are continuing with our SEW and SEWS group here at Trinity in 2024 and beginning work on more hygiene kits.
Come and join us for sewing and fellowship, bringing your sewing machines as able, or just yourself to help us sew these kits for girls 12-14 yrs old . They are urgently needed in many countries
First meeting JANUARY 24, 10-12, coffee/tea and snack provided.
So come and join us!
Darlene and Lucille
Christmas Joy in a Shoe Box
Kick Off October 15th!
The best Christmas gifts are the ones that come from the heart. And sometimes, they come from a Shoe Box!
The Canada-wide 2023 Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box collection season has begun, and thousands of individuals, families, churches, businesses, and community groups will be filling Shoe Boxes with gifts for less fortunate kids around the world.
This Sunday, Susan will give us more details on this year’s project.
MEN’S BREAKFAST – October 7, 2023
As announced at Sunday’s service, the men at Trinity have been invited by Calvin Presbyterian to their monthly breakfast meeting this Saturday at 8:00am at Roseland Restaurant. This month’s speaker will be presenting on Canada’s peacekeeping efforts. Breakfast and speaker will be done by 9:30.
By Thursday evening, we need to let Calvin and the restaurant know approximately how many of us will be attending. As such, if do wish to attend, please fill in your name and a “Yes” or “Maybe” on Trinity’s online form.
Visit Trinity’s Men’s Breakfast webpage for more info.
Pastor Henock, Gord and Eric have already signed up!
Hope to see you there
Sunday School
Sunday School at Trinity Lutheran Church is in full swing. It takes place every Sunday morning, starting right after the children’s sermon (about 15 minutes into the Divine Service).
All children from K to grade 7/8 are welcome. Teens are welcome to help out.
The Enduring Faith Bible Curriculum (Concordia Publishing House) is being used.
Christmas joy in a Shoe Box Is back at Trinity Lutheran

The Canada-wide 2021 Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box collection season has begun, and thousands of individuals, families, churches, businesses, and community groups will be filling Shoe Boxes with gifts for less fortunate kids around the world.
These Shoe Boxes bring joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world, regardless of gender, race, religion or age.
Literature on the procedure of the project is included in each Shoe Box. Please fill a Shoe Box or two or even three and help bring the joy of Christmas to children around the world.
The return date for gift-filled Shoe Boxes is November 14th
The best Christmas gifts are the ones that come from the heart. And sometimes, they come from a Shoe Box!
Shoebox Campaign
National Collection Week is Nov. 16–22, 2020
For more information about Samaritan’s Purse / Operation Christmas Child, please see link below: