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Category: Council
A Letter from Your Church Council
April 2022
Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ,
Much has taken place in our Church over the past year, especially with the restrictions placed on our church and membership due to the BC Provincial Health Authority under the COVID Rules and Mandates.
Thankfully, many of these restrictions regarding masks and distancing, have been relaxed due to the current positive climate surrounding the reduction of COVID infections and cases, which is a great blessing to all.
Hopefully, our church can return to some normalcy, and our traditional functioning including in-person bible studies, congregational meetings, and more social events at the church. We are thankful for the meals provided in the past months for Lent and Easter morning, by our Fellowship Committee.
As you have been made aware in our weekly Church Newsletter, Pastor Jakob has received and accepted a call to Grace Lutheran Church in Middle Lake, Saskatchewan. Pastor will be serving our congregation until June 30, 2022. We are thankful for his dedicated service to our church, and pray that Pastor Jakob and his family will be richly blessed in their new church and ministry in Middle Lake.
Our current Church Council will shortly be calling members to volunteer for our “Call Committee” to commence the call process and secure a new pastor that will fill the upcoming vacancy after June 30th.
Your church council is also looking for members who are willing to serve on the Church Council, as our current council will have fulfilled their term, as well as an additional two years during COVID, as of June 30, 2022.
Any member that has a name of a possible candidate to be considered for a call to our church, is welcome to submit it to any member of the church council, or our future Call Committee.
A great “BIG” thank you to our members who have patiently served God and our church through volunteering their precious time, their constant prayer, and donations of support to our church through these “difficult and confusing” times due to the pandemic. As in all things, THIS TOO SHALL PASS, we must continue “to love one another, as God loves us!”
Kelly, TLC Executive Director
New Fascia Boards on the Steeple
Drip, drip, drip. That’s what was happening at the church during heavy rain storms in the fall. Gord Schuster was able to attribute the leaks to rotting fascia boards on the steeple. During the COVID lull at the church, he project-managed the replacement of the boards. Great job, Gord!